
About us 關於我們

公司沿革 Our Story

  • 由半導體業界超過30年的專家基於熱情於2011年成立,主要從事半導體封裝測試製程的設備耗材開發設計以及提供解決方案。
    Founded in 2011 based on enthusiasm by experts in the semiconductor industry for more than 30 years, it is mainly engaged in the development and design of equipment consumables for the semiconductor packaging and testing process and providing solutions.
  • 使命及願景 : 藉由團隊的經驗及熱情,提供專業可靠的服務以提升客戶的競爭力
    Mission and Vision: Enhancing the competitiveness of customers by providing our professional and reliable services with team's experience and enthusiasm.

研發創新 R&D innovation

  • 藉由客戶的需求及製程的改善,不斷的開發、研究、測試及實作,團隊已累積大量的經驗及實用方案,並已申請各國專利以期提供更優質更專業的服務。
    With customer needs and process improvement, continuous development, research, testing and implementation, the team has accumulated a lot of experience and practical solutions, and has applied for patents from various countries in order to provide better and more professional services.

品質政策 Quality Policy

  • [品質至上 持續改善 滿足客戶需求 永續經營] 為本公司的品質目標。此品質政策將作為本公司管理系統之最高指導方針,對公司所有員工持續教育並落實深根,期許以良好品質目標導向永續經營。
    [Quality first, continuous improvement, meeting customer needs, sustainable operation] is the company's quality goal. This quality policy will serve as the highest guideline of the company’s management system. It will continue to educate and implement deep roots for all employees of the company, and hope to guide sustainable operations with good quality goals.

客戶服務 Customer Service

  • 秉持客戶至上原則,提供熱情及專業可靠的服務以提升客戶的競爭力為目標,期許與客戶共同成長,永續合作。
    Uphold the principle of customer first, provide enthusiastic, professional and reliable services to enhance the competitiveness of customers as the goal, and hope to grow together with customers and continue to cooperate.